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The Best FOMO and Social Proof Plugin for WooCommerce - NotificationX
A group of talented individuals here at WPDeveloper are involved with this masterpiece, NotificationX. Our team has been working tirelessly to bring you guys the best FOMO Marketing tool in the WordPress industry. Most incredibly, WPDeveloper already has an unbelievable 450K+ Active Users who are absolutely delighted with our work.
Through NotificationX, est FOMO and Social Proof Plugin for WooCommerce, our main goal is to provide the amazing WordPress Community a unique opportunity to grow their business to a new level. Prior to NotificationX, you could get free FOMO and Social Proof plugins with very few features or get a Plugin with lots of features at a very high price. In fact some plugins charged users depending on the impression count, meaning they charged you depending on the engagement rate directly attributable to their notification pop-ups.
But we don’t believe only numbers can validate NotificationX as the best FOMO and Social Proof Marekting Plugin for WordPress. The significance of every great innovation lies with the real-life problems it solves.
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NotificationX fills the gap for a strong Social Proof Plugin for WooCommerce
The days are long gone when people visited shopping malls in order to shop for different items. People nowadays prefer online shopping from the convenience of their living room. To increase sales, online marketers can offer an alternative to physical inspection of products before purchase is made, and that is Social Proof.
NotificationX, best FOMO and Social Proof Plugin for WooCommerce, helps you increase sales and conversion by deploying Social Proof Message for your Site-Visitors. This Social Proof Plugin for WooCommerce can automatically fetch in comments, reviews and other information i.e. new sales data from your WordPress.org, Easy Digital Downloads, Envato Marketplace and of course WooCommerce.
You can display pop-up messages with actual pictures of people, their name and other information. Moreover, you can add a sound for the pop-ups. So that, the sudden appearance of the pop-up and the associated sound effect does not fail to generate your desired outcomes. And lastly, you can show potential customers location of your existing users. If your potential buyers see that people from their locality are using your product/service they will feel more comfortable picking you over your rivals.
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Also, NotificationX fulfills the need for a strong FOMO Plugin for WooCommerce
Creating Credibility using NotificationX
Building credibility takes long term effort. By Leveraging Social Proof you can establish your business as a legit one and also influence your potential buyers into making a purchase decision. Moreover, you can also influence them into picking your product over other alternatives.
But every smart marketer knows buyers also need assurance with post-purchase support. In case buyers face any difficulty installing or setting up your product/service they will need assistance from you. You can provide all these information using NotificationX. That way potential buyers will know directly from other existing users about their positive user experience. NotificationX can refresh collected data on user-activity every second, that way you are able to display only the most recent data to your users. Moreover it can store over a 100 notifications to the database, that you you will not be annoying your users with the same notification pop-up over and over again.
Creating Urgency and Exclusivity using NotificationX
Can Social Proof help you boost your business? Yes, in fact, it can help you double your user base as well as sales. Now let’s make it clear what we mean when we say doubling sales conversion rates. It can mean actual sales, where you as a seller are generating money. It can also mean increasing your email Subscription sign-ups. Whatever you mean by doubling your sales conversion, Social Proof can be a powerful tool.
Drawing from the concept of Social Proof, View Count can easily eliminate the feeling of isolation felt by site-visitors. Marketers can quickly eliminate doubts from the minds of their customers by displaying a short message at any corner of the screen stating ‘How many visitors are looking at a certain Web-Page at this moment’. This simple stat can immediately remove any doubts from the minds of your site visitors about the authenticity of your Website.
NotificationX Analytics
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Display Custom FOMO Notification in WooCommerce
NotificationX gives you the freedom to fetch in Reviews, Comments, Ratings and Download stats from Envato, LearnDash, Zapier, ConverKit Email Subscription, Freemium, Mailchimp, WooCommerce and of course WordPress Repository to your WordPress Website. But there is more to NotificaitonX. NotificationX, best FOMO and Social Proof Plugin for WooCommerce, lets you create completely Custom Notifications from scratch for your WordPress Website. You can customize the Content as well as the Styling to meet your marketing goals.
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Wrapping Up!
There is a proverb that says, “Money makes Money”. It is true in Digital Marketing as well. But only in this case “Traffic generates Traffic.” If you have healthy traffic to your website on a daily basis, you can leverage it to gain more traffic. It is only a matter of how you are able to present it. Similarly if you have high sales on your Wooommerce Website, you can leverage it to make more future sales, it’s only a matter of how you can leverage it. And that is exactly what NotificationX helps you achieve.